My House of Horrors Wiki

The Red World is enormous. Red doors are often nightmareish, and are a manifestation of the power of painful emotional memories that people prefer not to think of, particularly their desire and struggle. A red door will contain one or more people's nightmares and desire and struggle, and when enough of them pool together then they'll form a Red World, the largest manifestation of it being the Red City.

Each red door has a space that reflects a person's state of mind and how they view the world. The doors can be damaged, but they'll repair itself. The space behind the door is constructed by the door pushers heart, it is like a medium that connects the real world and the red world.

The Red World mirrors reality, if Chen Ge found Men Nan's red door in the third sick hall he would also find a similar building in the red world that represented his door. So to speak if his door was damaged it could be invaded by residents of the Red World and his door could be destroyed or lose control. It often has strange rules which you need to obey to survive, and much of the struggle of going behind doors comes from finding the hidden rules and manipulating them. More powerful Red Worlds have some ability to suppress the power of invaders, and may have anchors which ensure their stability and defeating them requires understanding the rules of the world and the beings within.


The world behind Dr. Gao's door
(Cr. 冰糖狐狸咕噜咕噜

There are many doors. Some doors, like the one in the Third Sick Hall, are guarded by people, and some are left unattended.

Normally speaking, if there is someone guarding the door, the time of the door opening will be one minute. If the door is unoccupied, it'll only open at midnight once.

Should a red door ever go out of control it will expand into reality and become more connected to the red world. A door pusher's influence in the real world will increase but it becomes hard to control it and a door that becomes uncontrollable is very dangerous as both the residents in the door pushers world and the residents in the red world beyond can and will come out and wreak havoc. In reality, making the city where the red door is located a literal living hell.

Location Door Pusher Status
Third Sick Hall Men Nan Guarded by Men Nan
Chen Ge's Haunted House Chen Ge (?) Unoccupied
Coffin Village Ghost from the well Guarded by the well ghost
Underground Morgue Doctor Gao Destroyed
Burned Building in Eastern Jiujiang - Ghost Fire Unknown Red Specter Unoccupied (Previously guarded by Unknown Red Specter)
White Dragon Cave Tunnel - End of the Tunnel - Inside the Boy Spider Boy in the Tunnel Guarded by Spider Boy
Li Wan City Xiao Bu Guarded by Xiao Bu
School of the Afterlife (Movable) Student from Western Jiujiang's Private Academy Movable Door looking for a new Door Pusher, after the 1st was consumed by Zhang Ya
Jiang Yuan Apartments (Half-Opened) Chen Ge (?) Unoccupied (For now, no one can fully push it open)
9 Ghost Fetus Child Candidates Doors (Semi-Real) 9 Child Candidates Some Destroyed